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Spring 2020 Film Update

We hope you and your loved ones are well and weathering this unprecedented public health crisis. We thought an update on The Boys Who Said NO! might be a welcome and hopeful distraction. The film reached a major milestone last December - “picture lock”. Since then, director Judith Ehrlich and her team have been in post-production, acquiring all necessary rights and polishing the film's sound and picture for festivals, and hopefully broadcast and public screenings. Before the current pandemic, we anticipated the festival version of the film would be completed this Spring. Our post-production team has had to pause their work together because of the Covid crisis. The film world has also changed dramatically. Upcoming film festivals are canceled or postponed, and the release of most new films delayed. To adjust to this new reality, we are talking with experienced film consultants to help us develop the best strategy for distribution -- and to bring in the final funds we need to acquire the full archival and music rights for broader distribution beyond festivals. We want to launch BOYS! when it makes the most sense and will generate the widest audience. More than ever, we believe that America – and the world – needs the inspiration of our story portraying the power and impact of young people who courageously refused to fight a brutal, senseless war. FOR INSPIRATION NOW, WATCH CLIPS OF SOME OF THE KEY PEOPLE IN THE FILM.

We will keep you updated as we develop our plans. In the meantime, we hope you stay strong and that we all come through this crisis in good health, ready to carry on the necessary work for a better world.

On behalf of our Film Team, thank you for your continuing support! Bill Prince, Producer THE BOYS WHO SAID NO! P.S. The draft is back in the news! Last Wednesday, a national commission recommended that women should be required to register for the draft. Congress is expected to debate and decide the issue in the coming year. Our story of what happened the last time there was an active draft is now even more relevant. Read more.

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